We exist to Redefine Healthcare Revenue Integrity. Translating patient care into full and accurate reimbursement from a payor is a complex endeavor, and many hospital departments have a major hand in this process. However, when these departments operate in silos, without an overarching payor and staffing strategy, hospitals leave money on the table. We have created solutions that connect siloed departments and help compliantly build better integrity into hospitals revenue cycle. The hospital industry has been significantly impacted in recent years. As operations and patient volumes return to pre-pandemic levels, resource constraints and rising labor costs have added to the already strained situation. To tackle this problem head on, organizations must find ways to accomplish more with less, and the only way to achieve this is to be strategic with time and staff resources. Because of staffing constraints, the old way of assigning more people to this task just isn’t practical. We also know from data and experience that it doesn’t achieve the desired financial outcomes. Our Single-Path Model redefines that. We are seeking investment to grow and scale this division.
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