Accredited nature based preschool for children 3-6 years of age. We currently have a very successful Nature preschool in Fredericktown, MO. 63645. Check out our program at We have a huge demand for us to build a school in town close to us. Farmington, MO to build another reggio inspired/montessori Preschool.
Our school is the only private Accredited program within 100 miles.
We were voted best preschool in the Parkland 4 years straight.
We received the Missouri Preschool Grand from the Department of Education.
All our staff have a degree or are going to college on Teach MO scholarship.
Bringing our school to Farmington would be bringing the first private accredited nature based program to St.Francis County.
We have a list of students to fill the school already!
Request to see a video of our school now that we are wanting to open another location for. Email
[email protected]