The Farm

Mental Health farm Center which offers ;ternative and additional therapies and techniques for individuals, fanilies, and groups.

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Most mental health centers are like warehouses where individuals come and participate in aa therapy session and then encouraged to go and get exercise, go for walks, socialize, and improve their daily living skills. 'the Farm" is a place where community members interact with clients and help instruct in horticulture, budgeting, cooking, ggardening, woodworking, simple mechanics, and animal therapies - equine, dog, chickens, and rabbits. Walking paths make it possible for them to walk in a known area where the can be alone without being lonely, engage or observe socializing, and learning new skills or improving on some. I have took my lead from The Gould Farm in Boston,Massachusettes. They work with Mental Health but more serious diagnosis. We will focus on abuse, trauma,  grief, anxiety, anger, and relationships. Suicide is the major issue in the state of Montana. What we have been doing isn't working so we need to look outside the box. The propety will offer day programs with activities and classes to help develop cognitive changes, behavioral changes, and improve self image. 6Week programs are planned out for post hospitalization clients. All ages are welcome and families will be encouraged to participate. 
The Farm will eventually be a non-profit so regardless of need and ability to pay, all will be helped. Therapists are contracted and not sallaried. Three therapist will be responsible for theclient's therapies. Community volunteers will teach cooking classes, budgeting, garfening, etc. Interaction with community members will help solve stigma issues and walls that develop from misconceptions.
I have a Montana State Candidate's license in Marriage and Family Therapy with spcialization in trauma and abuse.  

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