I have invented, patented, developed prototype for the worlds only automated dryer and dryer vent cleaning system. 120 million homes with dryers can now prevent LINT BUILD-UP in their dryer and dryer vent with the flip of a switch, there are over 15,000+ dryer fires annually, #1 cause of house fires. www.thedryerbuddy.com
Why would you invest in The Dryer Buddy product?
1. Problem: There are over 15,000+ dryer fires annually, Insurance companies pay out over $250 million dollars annually for insurance claims caused by dryer fires, 10+ death annually and hundreds of injuries annually.
2 WHY do dryers catch on fire - "LINT BUILD UP" in your dryer and dryer vent. When your vents start to clog up, the dryer runs hotter (ever taken out clothes and they were still damp? IT's not your dyer, it is the clogged vent.) Your heating element gets hotter and hotter, your dryer feels damp hot. eventually your heating element will burn out, ignite the LINT build up around it and catch fire, then the fire spreads to the vent and causes a combustion explosion inside the vent, it separated inside the walls and will burn your house down in minutes.
3. The Solution: You can manually clean out your vent and vacuum out your dyer (1 in a million do that). Hire a vent cleaning service, you have to be there, they will charge you $99 to $250 to clean out your vent (cost depends on accessibility and length), and that doesn't include the dryer, they will charge another $50 to $75 for that service (and it is recommended to do this annually). OR you can buy The Dryer Buddy, attach it to the exit vent on the dryer and connect to the exit vent or mount into a wall mount (see web site for pictures). We have estimated a retail cost of $99 to $129, the ROI is what the service would cost once. With the Dryer Buddy is connected, simple turn on your dryer and flip the switch on the Dryer Buddy and in seconds your dryer and dryer vent are clean, eliminating LINT BUILD UP and allowing your dryer to run at 100% efficiency all the time. SAVING LIVES, SAVING PROPERTY, SAVING ENERGY (see energy chart on website).
4. California AB 1411: In October of 2015 I went to Sacramento to meet with the California Fire Marshal and was on this committee. for 2 years we met monthly by phone to discuss updates. After 2 years they determined that the manufactures had NO solutions now or coming down the pike. That the only solution was a 3rd party product in development aka The Dryer Buddy. Today this bill (attached) is still on hold waiting for me and you to bring this product to market. I see the rest of the states and the federal government making a code requirement for all new construction, multi dwelling homes and eventually all single homes. I see insurance companies offering discounts (see the Farmers commercial video on my website) to install one.
Visit my website and see it in action, video's and decades of news stories about dryer fires. I need a company like your to find a Manufacture and bring the product to market, and what a market - 150 million homes in the USA and Canada with dryers, 2 million new homes build each year needing dryers. Do the math, yes this is a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR MARKET WAITING TO OPEN UP! I look forward to meeting with you and getting THE DRYER BUDDY GOING!
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