The Burgundy Rose Tearoom

Looking to share the great taste and health benefits of Loose-leaf Tea.

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The Burgundy Rose Tearoom, also known as TBRT, is here to bring a Uniquely modern and Elegant Afternoon/ High Tea experience to the Eastbay; as well as giving non-coffee/coffee drinkers added options to their beverage palette. I love loose-leaf tea and what it can do for our health. I want to invite and delight others on a wonderful, tasty learning journey.

Current Status:

Secured a 10yr lease in the #1 greatest location in my area where I know the business will thrive and surpass my expectations. 

 I have a solid business plan to lead us to success.

I am asking for $300,000.00 startup costs; to include.

-Completing the construction costs for the building I have leased.

-3 months working capital. 

-3 months Wages for 1 Baker and 3 part time employees. 

I have invested and spent $120,000.00 so far; that included the lease, architect, county & city permits and construction deposit costs to date.  


All over the world people have enjoyed drinking tea for thousands of centuries, and for good reason.  Numerous studies have shown a large variety of teas may boost your immune system, fight inflammation, and even ward off forms of cancer and heart disease.

While some brews provide more advantages than others, there is assured evidence that regularly drinking tea can have a lasting impact on personal wellness.  

Come take tea with us and listen, because we will always be sharing some of the greatest benefits hidden in the worlds most popular delicately delicious loose-leaf premium teas.

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