| Tested Productions LLC ( | Tested Productions LLC ( the Team ( Company
With everything going on in the world today, we feel that now is the perfect time to share our story. It is our call of duty, we are a group of socially conscious change-makers who aim to make a difference on the planet by elevating consciousness, addressing issues and providing solutions through storytelling, and bringing communities together by paying forward a percentage of the film's profits to non-profits assisting children and the homeless.
Tested Productions, LLC was formed in September 2020 in Los Angeles, California by Glenn Ratcliffe, Jewels Lubin, and Darryl Marshak for the sole purpose of producing the motion picture, “Tested.” Tested Productions, LLC is managed by Glenn Ratcliffe, Jewels Lubin, and Darryl Marshak.
Advantage Collectively, the production team of “Tested” has produced a variety of films and Television Shows. In addition, they have participated in over 100 independent projects as producers, production management, and production support staff.
The Project Log Line
An enlightened Minister loses his faith after the murder of his wife and with the clouded judgment he pursues revenge on whom he believes to be the killer...
Synopsis After a life-altering car crash, Glenn MacIntosh, a minister follows his new calling and travels to Taiwan in search of spiritual guidance. With a new and slightly unpopular mission of unification amongst all religions, he travels home to share the good news with his wife. His timing couldn’t be worse as he arrives home to a murder scene, with his wife the victim. The pain of losing the love of his life causes him to spiral out of control, leading to a severe alcohol addiction, and being thrown out of the church.
After questioning his faith and ultimately blaming God for the death of his wife, he takes justice into his own hands, with some very questionable and violent choices. Everything from the crime points to his best friend., Barry Miller and his right-hand man. After a heated confrontation with a useless detective and several other events, it pushes him into a corner and he escalates matters to seek revenge against the killer.
After successfully gaining attention he lures his friend and drags him to the middle of nowhere. With several methods to act out his revenge, he endures a moment on the precipice of retribution. Falling back to his beliefs, he gives the presumed killer a chance and in doing so, understands he almost took an innocent man’s life. With other charges on his record, he was sent to prison leaving the minister to piece together the mystery behind the real killer and leaving the search for redemption open.
Genre Hybrid –Drama, Faith-Based
Created and Written by
Glenn Ratcliffe Screenplay Adapted by:S Ben Madeley
Present Day, Los Angeles, CA
100 mins
Screenplay Rights The screenplay rights to “Tested” are owned exclusively by Tested Productions, LLC.
We seeking an Angel Investor who would like to fund the movie and we are willing to pay back the investment with interest and producer credit once the movie earned money. And we can assure you that the movie will be going to earn huge money since we plan to release it worldwide.