TechJnew LLC

We Rethink The Way We Think, We Think Outside of The Box; We Believe In Something That Will Change Everything. We Believe In You And We Are TechJnew

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Do you have an education with no experience?
Can you get a  job with experience but no education?
Most likely, you'll have to come back with what is required -

Our solution.

TechJnew LLC is a Remote Education Agency owned by partners with a background in the Department of Labor. The founders share a passion for helping the unemployed. At TechJnew, we offer education with on-the-job training in a remote corporate environment. Upon completing studies, the students have both education and experience, making them marketable to the corporate world as prepared, experienced assets. Utilizing other resources, like LegalShield and TechJnew Travel, we have managed to stay below operating costs and even have profited enough to re-invest in the future. Those same resources, alongside future partners, help us develop and manage value-added programs, provide services, and solutions to companies at a lower cost, and provide our students the tools necessary to meet our customers' needs. TechJnew LLC provides services designed to support its mission and business needs. With experience in the Employment Services industry, we provide services with a high level of expertise. Our customers are provided with essential assistance at TechJnew LLC, even with the constant and consistent change in the Employment Services sector. Providing effective, efficient, and customer-focused solutions and services is our paramount goal. It is our mission to provide an education to those who wish to upgrade their lives. In a unique virtual environment, future students earn as they learn, revealing the freedom to concentrate on what matters. "Our only superpower is that we don't give up." ~ BmanT

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