Seeking 300,000. $!00,000 per-wildfire deterrent center. Placing two in Oregon and one in Colorado. These two states have extremely high wildfire fire danger with no protection available that offers true protection as Blaze Shielding. Defensive space that is mandated by law to clear 100 feet of trees and fire fuels away from the home is the only protection offered. The product used by Blaze Shielding will treat all fire fuels leaving the fuels unable to flame or burn. Seeking a motivated investor to open store fronts on or before May 15th 2023 based on the projected wildfire danger due to the amount of rain/snow this winter and the extreme vegetation growth becoming fire fuel.
A majority of the public in the western part of the Nation under new Wildland Urben Interface laws the (public sector) now (seeking) effective wildfire protection this giving a foothold and planting roots for generational clients and ambassadors this giving way to a very healthy business and high return.
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