Sunny-Side Day Center

Help us raise $500K to help a business that is making a DIFFERENCE in our community!

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My business provides adult day care services to seniors and adults with disabilities. We also provide care coordination and peer support services to adults with a mental health or substance use disorder diagnosis. Our work primarily consists of connecting individuals to resources such as finding housing for the homeless or work for those struggling with employment.  We recently contracted with the State of North Dakota Behavioral Health Department to provide Care Coordination and Peer Support Services. In less than one month we reached 25 participants. Our services are completely free of charge to participants and we in turn get reimbursed by the state based on the engagement and outcomes. Each participant starts at a Level 3 which reimburses $400-480 a month based on the outcomes. We have participants from all walks of life and we have provided life-changing connections and services to our participants. To qualify, an applicant has to have either a mental health or substance use disorder diagnosis and demonstrate how it is affecting finances, housing, family/social relationships and recovery. We do not ask for proof of diagnosis and neither does the state. We take their word and once they are approved, we create a care plan for them and start tackling the areas they need help in the most. We are new to the business and we only have two staff doing all the work right now. We get calls from people interested in services but we cannot afford to hire and train more employees. Our services are needed by so many people in our community and with the help of an investor, we can expand by hiring and training more staff, do more outreach and connect people to the services they need. What makes our services attractive to local people is that they are completely free with no need for health insurance or even an address! We help anyone who qualifies!  We also want to take our services to other counties within North Dakota. We have the ability to make more than $30,000-50,000 a month in revenue in the next few months with the help of an investor. Most of our competitors are no longer accepting new clients because they have so many and cannot meet the demand. We are new and we still have so much room to help between 100-150 participants a month. That's why we need the help of an investor to see our vision and the difference we are making in our community. We have housed 5 homeless participants in the last month alone and our phone keeps ringing to add more but we cannot afford the expense of hiring and training more staff. We have connected people to crucial resources in the community.  We've helped more than half of our participants get jobs and rent assistance. The passion and commitment is there but we don't have the funds to grow the way we want. We are asking for $500,000 for a 25% stake to help us with our expansion. With these funds, we will hire and train a minimum of 10 new employees. We will do extensive community outreach and help applicants apply for services. We will use these funds to help us with our office, travel, and contractors.  

Our website is listed below. We have not updated our website to add the new Care Coordination services we are providing in North Dakota. We plan on updating our website very soon.

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