Its a growing electronics website that wants to be a big store. My kids and I run it from home. Well...I run it and they watch but they're interested. I don't have a team of salesmen to brag about. I've taught myself everything I know and am addicted to learning and expanding. It took me 3 weeks to learn basic web design, marketing and advertising techniques, SEO optimization and affiliate marketing. Imagine what I could do with an opportunity to really learn and focus . We want to be bigger than the best of all electronics franchises and we have a clear plan on how to do it. With consumer electronics on the rise it won’t be hard to build and grow with our plan. We target everyone! Not all niches are as upgradeable or versatile as electronics and people of every age, race, demographic and gender has either a cellphone, laptop, desktop computer , smart tv game console, hell... you name it and someone somewhere has 3 of each . We will be offering rewards programs, loyalty points and even a place to sit down (or walk around without bumping into anything) and try out the newest technologies available every day! We will offer sales training and incentives to all of our employees to ensure a smooth, fun professional work environment, as well as bonuses like paid trips to Hawaii or a free cruise for top sellers! Invest in us If you want to make 13.7 percent back on your investment over the next 4 years. If money isn't what your after i'm sure we can reach some agreement . We have a crystal clear path to success and the determination of a pit bull with a ham bone! We know it’s a lot of money. We wouldn’t be asking if we didn’t know for sure we could give it back in less than 5 years. Even if you cant invest 1 million or even close, please donate towards our cause and help us get closer to our goal. We need a store, inventory, insurance, attractive sales people, marketing, branding and the ability to operate and exist in the public eye. We have the perfect property picked out, vendors on standby and an raging itch to get to work! Invite some friends and invest in a bright digital future with stock options and a free shirt that says ”Stumpy made me this! “. Thank you all and god bless! [email protected]