Snap Health

Raising money to revolutionize how healthcare workers get work and patients recieve the best outcome in home healthcare and other verticals of the healthcare system.

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At, our mission is to rejuvenate the post-acute phase of healthcare by providing real-time visibility, communication, and mobility through our customized applications. Our founder created this platform for the very reason that her staffing company could not scale with the archaic tools availible and  ultimately downstream, the patients pay the price.  She was passionate to create a solution  to empower healthcare providers in the office and the workers in the field, to have simple tools they need to make timely and informed patient care decisions together, ensuring seamless connection and collaboration.   By improving communication, we achieve better patient outcomes, reduce workload internally,enable workers to see more patients and effectively manage healthcare costs.

Business Model:
Software as a Service (SaaS):
Snap Health operates on a subscription-based SaaS model, offering healthcare providers access to our suite of customized applications. Healthcare workers use it free on a mobile application.These applications are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing healthcare systems, providing a comprehensive solution for post-acute care management.

Customer Segments:
  • Healthcare Providers: Hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation centers looking for efficient post-acute care management solutions.
  • Home Health Agencies: Agencies requiring tools to enhance communication and care coordination for home-bound patients.
  • Long-Term Care Facilities: Nursing homes and assisted living facilities aiming to improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency.
Revenue Streams:
  • Subscription fees for access to the Snap Health platform.
  • Customized application development and integration services.
  • Premium support and training packages.

1. Real-Time Visibility Application:
Provides healthcare providers with up-to-date patient information, enabling timely and accurate care decisions.

2. Communication Platform:
Facilitates seamless communication between all members of the care team, including doctors, nurses, therapists, and caregivers.

3. Mobility Solutions:
Empowers healthcare professionals to access and update patient information on-the-go, ensuring continuity of care.

4. Analytics Dashboard:
Offers insights and analytics on patient outcomes, workload distribution, and healthcare spend, helping providers make data-driven decisions.

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