SkyTech LLC

Rising $200K to build the app for most popular game platforms (online gaming) and make big money from it.

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I have a new internet project. Nobody doing the same in the world in present days. This is a completely unique project that allows everyone who participates in it, the company that offers this opportunity, the players, the manufacturer of the online game to earn money. The business model in this regard will be B2C.  The company works with players through our website.  Accounts are created for each player, where they buy the opportunity to bet special in-game coins on their victory.  Further, through the app, players can launch any online game where there is a competition with the opposite side, i.e.  other players and bet a certain amount of game coins on their victory. After this, the participation of each player in the battle is calculated by a special algorithm and a certain amount is credited or subtracted from their bet coins to other players or vice versa. My company earns 10 percent from each bet, the average number of tournaments in such a game as the world of tanks per day from one player is about 50. The registered number of players in this game is 200 million, if I cover at least 1 percent of this number at the beginning, then the company's earnings in one day  can be hundreds of thousands of dollars. And there are about 20 such rounded games around the world. More detailed calculations can be provided upon request. It will take about 4 to 6 months to create a website and an application for different platforms, windows, mac, android, ios, consoles.  The first profit for the company will begin a couple of months after the creation of the application. 

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