My company name is Simmons Landscaping L.T.D.
Iam the 100% owner and i operator most of the equipnment. My wife also works with me in the business.
We have lots of specialized equipnment so that we keep our labour cost down. We have no problem here in Alberta for doing commercial landscaping.
I been in business for more than 25 years and all my equipnment is paid for and owe no money to banks. we have no problems.
We make money by doing landscaping jobs. There is lots of competition, except in remote areas where we love doing commercial jobs.
We own the market by myself and my wife doing most of labour costs and remote areas. We have done commercial jobs , such as schools and commercial projects around $ 600,000 dollars. I only need $ 25,000 dollars at this time for repairs to some equipnment. The further looks bright for us.
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