Self heating Tupperware

Raising $75,000 to manufacture self heating Tupperware

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I recently got a patent approved by the USPTO patent number US 11,371,773,B2 which is the temperature control assembly. It is a self-heating Tupperware and smart cup temperature adjustable which has a detachable base that allows the consumer to adjust the contents inside willingly from hot to cold. It promotes convenience and eliminates wastage. The business model is to introduce new and fresh ideas in the beverage and food Industry, it will set the standards for heating food and be convenient for workers who pack their lunches and bring them to work. Our team consists of one engineer a marketing agent and a CEO. Since we will be primarily the first in the market with this idea, we will be able to set market trends and prices and focus on multiple revenue streams such as patent leasing and other measures of monetization. 

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