Patented Device for cleaning and sanitizing human hands.

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      Recently granted a patent on a compact device named SCRUBTECH.   It deep cleans human hands effectively and efficiently, BETTER THAN ANYTHING EVER BEFORE, and uses very little water so it's  ECO friendly.  Best analogy is ,  SCRUBTECH does for hands what the electric toothbrush does for teeth. Incidentally , electric toothbrush sales amounted to 2.5 Billion in the US alone in 2018 with a 5.6 annual growth.  And at this particular point in time with COVID and such, the time is now for SCRUBTECH .
     Here is where we are right now. I have begun bootstrapping costs of engineering to refine my prototype  so as to determine cost of and be ready to manufacture and sell.  My prototype has been tested by a wide variety of volunteers, all who try it love it, and  ask when it will be on the market. It leaves hands cleaner than ever before.   
      The customers of SCRUBTECH are people who get their hands dirty at every level,  with too many occupational categories to list here,  that is the addressable market with other market possibilities as well.  For example in the public sector, all office buildings , schools , branches of the military , and government buildings from local to state to federal.  Health care facilities from hospitals to PT offices.  Washing hands will go on forever so SCRUBTECH is on solid ground.  Also there is the first to market advantage that SCRUBTECH has. 
       The business model will be a direct to consumer model , promoted  through social media, news programs, You Tube  etc. When we've  sold  the first 100 to 500 units we will be self monetizing and paying any investors back first of course, and determining the plan to scale up.  Its one product with options to personalize for the single user and options that can be applied in the public sector. 
        The team is, myself-- owner / inventor of SCRUBTECH, and  business owner of 30 plus years, I execute very well , am an excellent steward  with money, know how to work well  with others and have great management and sourcing  skills. Dan Haloukas PhD  advisor to SCRUBTECH who has worked in supply chain for Phillip Morris, Colgate, and recently  at Discovery and brings a great deal of talent with him on many levels, in addition, brings great marketing power . William J Connelly, brilliant  Patent Atty. and general counsel, Michael  Edell Owner of Grab Green Products -- advisor and Bruce McLellan of Mclellan Engineering ,  Bruce is a fully licenced  engineer that brings a great deal of experience  in a technical and business sense to SCRUBTECH .
         I'm seeking 150K  get past engineering , and testing  and 1st run of product whatever number that might be, and some marketing dollars . Remember,    SCRUBTECH Is NOT  an  idea drawn on a napkin  that we're not so sure about. It is, IN FACT  a proven concept and that's  because I've executed the hard work of building a working prototype  and truly testing  the device  and I continue to, on actual volunteers who love it , and all of those tests are documented .   Looking for my lead investor who would be strategic partner  who shares my vision for producing a quality product that we can be proud of and of course  the vision for how  gigantic and health beneficial SCRUBTECH can truly be for the world.  For a private  demo , I can be contacted at [email protected] 

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