ScienceING Time

$10,000 for education equipment, supplies, etc.

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We are pivoting our very successful child care business (Lyric's Daycare) of 14 years to a program that will work in tandem with new elementary school procedures and schedules, with an emphasis on all things science. The program will gear towards K - 3th grade and we plan to launch at the end of August.   Educating kids is what we do. 

We have been working with kids for many years, with our childcare and our nonprofit, always striving for equity in education and have had a huge impact.   Please look into what we have done these past years with education. 
FB, Instagram: The League of Extraordinary Scientists and Engineers. 

The funds given will help us revamp our child care business, as we will use them to purchase necessary equipmemt, age appropriate furniture and educational supplies. 

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