This letter is to share that for the last two years (2020 & 2021) my overall business income has steadily increased due to my ability to add additional clients and generate new business contracts.
During this same time, I have been assisted by my financial advisor, John Herring, Jr. who has been working with me to help me do a better job in managing my income to debt ratios.
This company was started by William Johnson in 1992 to prove to myself and others that he had something to offer
Additionally, this company has taken me to different parts of the United States and taught me how to drive and cook.
As well as learned how to create business plans, I will also learn how to earn money.
There are still weaknesses, however; I have been working hard with my financial advisers to reinvent my thinking on finances over the past two years.
It is from mistakes that I have learned how to operate as a person and a business owner.
I will give up 50% of my company its control to your company so you can provide advice and capital to the company.
With your experience will help company growth, furthermore it will be able to achieve its goal of decreasing its debt ratio over its income ratio by 2023 and beyond.
Assisting in creating a structured corporation out of my one-man operation business; help meet the goal increase income ratios also improve people's lives in Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky.
In exchange for William J Johnson's commitment growth payments over a five-year period, will include a buy-back clause in the contract.
William Johnson can repurchase the company after your company has received full payment for the investments into my company.
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