SAR Resources

Seeking funding for a metal fuel business that is recyclable using Low temperature Solar Thermal. The fuel helps generate H2 for use in Fuel Cells.

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Our plan is to build a disruptive energy fuel based on solar thermal energy, fuel cells, and a hydrogen generator. This technology and plan is very capital intensive my plan is also to make it very risk minimal to the investor.

Our fuel cell is what is known as alkaline technology as opposed to the proton electric membrane. This technology is both less expensive and more efficient than PEM technology. We believe that we can have this up and running in six months to a year. We also believe that we have a battery based on lead that is as energy dense as lithium technology is less expensive than its lithium counterpart.

Our fuel cell uses hydrogen that is generated from a salt water battery engineered as a self powered electrolytic cell that can generate h2 or not as needed. It will propel a car much further than the competition. Since water is the source, it is a much safer alternative than compressed gas and in a smaller package.

Due to the fact that the plates in the battery/ generator deteriorate as H2 is produced. These plates need to be recycled. We intend to use solar thermal electrolytic system to do this. This is a three step process. 1- chemical 2- drying step 3- electrolytic step. This is a well known process used for.many years by large companies.

We will develop a new thermal low temperature but more efficient power generation system that is also a disruptive system. It is our hope that this will also allow us to reduce the cost to recycle the metal fuel.





I believe that I can show profit much more than that and in a contracted yield where the funds NEVER 

Leave the bank account.


Your or mineā€¦..your choice.



The financial plan is to use $2,000,000 I an account. (mine or yours).I would want ownership signing after your principal is paid back. Depending on the plan available, (this is a suggested plan)the $2million will be used in a arbitrage play and in 10 days will be $10,000,000 and then in another 10 days will be $50,000,000. I would return your investment after about 2 months and after 10 months about $100,000,000. ++++


We each go our own way.

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