
My company is Sanivac, . It is a potable wet vac for picking up biological spills including liquids as wine on rugs for example.

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My company is Sanivac. I have a working prototype designed to clean/pick up all kinds of biological related substances, for example wine spills on carpets,to kitchen related accidents,and fast food restaurant accidents. A friend who is in the hotel business told me that every floor in every hotel could use one.
We received our first patent in 1985 and over the years of testing made it smaller, lighter and more efficient. To facilitate a pick up we use a plastic squeeze bottle with water and sometimes a very small amount of disinfectant can be added.. The contents are emptied into the toilet and flushed then a small amount of bleach or liquid soap can be used to wash the device.
I would prefer to have the vacuum made in America however I have been unable to locate  a company or partner. I have a 50 page marketing ,encouraging and informative, however it doesn't  estimate how many might be sold.

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