
Raising 150k to fund development of Shark Attack Risk Forecast App, SafeWaters.AI pre-seed round (AI Forecasting Model Completed & 89% Accurate)

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SafeWaters.AI is forecasting shark attack risk with 89% accuracy,  training 200+ years of shark attack and marine weather data. SafeWaters will be a mobile app formatted similar to a weather app and will be available for ios and android.

Here is a live interview with me, Evan Valenti, on the Space Coast Daily talking about SafeWaters.AI: ... We have a lot of news and press attention at the moment, with more coming.

I will have a live, on air television interview with NewsMax upon product launch for quick traction.

We have an email list of 6200 eager and ready customers who are also contributing to our Kickstarter, which is live. You can see visuals and mockups there.

As a machine learning engineer, I am currently solopreneuring SafeWaters.AI and developed the predictive deep learning algorithm and proof of concept myself, as well as handling all fundraising and PR efforts. I have a agency contracted who's helped build the email list and awareness around the Kickstarter campaign. I also have background as a freelance seo specialist.

I'm looking for funding to:

1. Contract a mobile app/website developer who can incorporate my predictive forecasting model and guide in ongoing technical support
2. Pay for ongoing server/gpu/api and IP costs (patent pending application currently being processed) 
3. Help fund marketing efforts 
4. Allow me to take SafeWaters.AI on full time to manage marketing efforts, more pr and customer support, as I've learned it's best for founders to handle customer support in the early stages of the business. 

This is an idea that has proven that it could potentially save lives and limbs, forecasting previous attacks in our test data as "high risk days" with an astonishing 89% accuracy.  

Here is a link to our full pitch deck:

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