I am a brand new entrepreneur with a God given purpose, after escaping the Rwandan genocide, to give back to my people by creating affordable housing, drivable roads and teaching entrepreneurship so they can have vast opportunities to create their own legacy. In order to do that, I must start out small through short term rental, such as Airbnb. With the money that I will be saving from each door, I will reinvest and scale. I eventually want to own over 100 doors in class A neighborhoods, all over the U.S.
I then want to expand this to Rwanda and other African countries that show great promise and profit. I have a small plot of land that I purchased a few years ago, in Rwanda, where I want to build my very first international Airbnb. I have been helping my father, over the years by sending money, from my small paychecks, to build outhouses for families. When I saw the holes they had to dig, with small children that would fall in them, I just knew that I had to do something. All I could afford was to help build two outhouses every month. We have helped hundreds of families and I want to expand it further. I want to build schools, hospitals and better roads for these people, who walk for days and get turned away from the hospitals, while they are clearly in labor, for example. I escaped a genocide for a reason and I want to give back.
I have so many other ideas, dreams and goals. I just need someone to have faith and believe in me by giving me a chance to prove how far I can go. I have the right mindset and the drive. My issue has always been the lack of resources, never finding a job that can pay past my bills, in order to save.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Be blessed.
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