RockHouse LIve Grille & Venue (multiple locations)

Hot, established multi-unit, multi-state concept raising money to take out old debt and for expansion

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RockHouse Live Grille & Venue is my baby for over 15 years.  Started originally in Dallas, Texas, I got my feet wet, and determined in the two years we were open there that I had something special.  In 2013, I launched my first revision - RockHouse Live Memphis - and then a second store, RockHouse Live Midtown.  In 2021 after years of quiet incubation, I launched RockHouse Live Clearwater Beach, and then RockHouse Live Key West.  In 2023, I launched RockHouse Live Collierville, which is just outside of Memphis.  RockHouse features great, homemade food (much of it my own recipes), a fun, entertainment-themed environment, full bar open late, and awesome live entertainment.

The brand has been embraced, and we have developed a cult following.  I am seeking funding to:
 - Take out some MCA debt (merchant cash advance) from the locations, and some  potentially some older investors from Key West and Clearwater.
 - Establish more infrastructure around us so that we are better positioned for growth.
 - Expansion capital.

Investors are open to investing in all locations and the brand, or single locations.  The ideal investment would be $2MM, spread amongst each location (they are all separate LLCs).   Ideally you are an investor that has resources to help create more infrastructure and provide guidance for growth.

RockHouse Live is a company with great opportunity.  I hope you will join me in my adventure and my dream.  Reach out for more information and please be prepared to sign an NDA.

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RockHouse LIve Grille & Venue (multiple locations) is no longer seeking funding.