Currently maintaining and repairs for smaller band mills for semi local sawmills. Looking to expand my services to include carbide tipped circular saws as well. I already have a couple of the pieces of equipment to make the circular saw service a reality. I have lines on some more good, used equipment as well to round out the fleet. Currently I am flying solo for the most part, but my daughter does come in and help with some of the more basic tasks. She is willing to learn more as time goes on, too, so I won't be in a bind finding a person to work that side of the shop as I expect it to be a bit of a process building up the clientele. That will give me some time to train her some more as jobs come in. I am hoping to get this to the point where I will have to hire at least one full time employee for the shop, ideally they would be able to fill in when I need a day off as well. I have been working in this trade within the forest industry since June of 1996, and have a long list of contacts to reach out to in finding more options for customers. There are a few other shops in the province of BC that perform similar work, but the workforce in this trade is aging rapidly, and with the larger operations continuing to shut their doors and smaller operators coming online that do not have the people or equipment to perform these service jobs, I believe I am getting well positioned to provide service to many more customers as this trend continues. I still have around 25 years ahead of me to build this into something that can generate a few jobs and income for the associated families. I have a business plan that I would share as well and can send by email. Thanks for having a look, hoping to connect soon!! Warren
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