Wine concept that will sell itself and an Irish Cream with an Irish family recipe that will do very well in the international market. Already have both formulas.
I, myself will travel to areas needed to ensure ultimate success.
I will make your investment back quickly. I've already made connections and promises to purchase my product once it's produced from countries such as Ireland, Canada and here in America.
I have owned and operated a high scale bodega, Liquor Store for over 10 years and I'm familiar with the market. Recently closed my stores due to Covid. So I will invest 100% of my time to the wine and cream.
Riley’s Irish Cream and Legends Lost Wine
1.1 Executive Summary: The purpose of this business plan is to raise $200k for the development of Riley’s Irish Cream and Legends Lost Wine, which will be produced and made for regional and international distribution.
Christopher Riley will personally oversee this project with over 30 years experience in liquor, retail and sales (regional and international).
1.2 The Financing: Investment of $200k
Offered: 49% of all earnings from Riley’s Irish Cream and Legends Lost Wine
1.3 Mission Statement: The Riley’s with the product of Riley’s Irish Cream and Legends Lost Wine will become recognized as a leader in the industry, with a fail proof product in place.
1.4 Marketing Plan: The Riley’s intend to build an extensive marketing campaign that will ensure maximum visibility for the businesses and its targeted market. And Christopher will visit each distributor, national and international to ensure the success for the Wine and Irish Cream.
1.5 Marketing Strategies:
- Monthly tastings (wine, cream, beverages, food, live music, etc...)
- Irish Festivals
- Yearly Irish Festivals
- Book Signings and receptions at regional and international venues · Private party's with our wine reps
- Corporate parties for companies
- Annual LA, NY and International Wine and Spirits festivals
- Continuous Magazine and social marketing
- Social Marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Webpage, Twitter, etc...)
- Google Placement
- Radio and TV advertisement
- Continuous Networking day and night
- Visiting areas and regional and international businesses, festivals, bars, tastings, lunches, etc...
1.6 Pricing: We anticipate operating at a profit of around a 30% minimum margin on all Irish Cream and Wine.
Our intent is to have all investments paid back within two years.
Thank you,
Christopher Riley
Riley’s Irish Cream and Legends Lost Wine
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