$7.5million Equity or Debt to acquire PC-12 and Vision Jet to operate under FAR 135

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Contact: Aydin Peter Barker; 888-671-7911; [email protected]
Equity return will be targeted at 20-30% ROI
Debt fully secured by best-in-class aircraft with excellent resale values; COD  5-10%

                                                         Plan Low 1,000 Flight Hours  | Plan Expected 2,000 Flight Hours
| Operating Margin  |                                                $2,143,540  |               $4,287,080
| Depreciation & Amortization  |                       $1,100,000  |               $2,200,000
| EBIT  |                                                                              $1,043,540  |               $2,087,080
| ROI  |                                                                                               14%  |                                28%
| Break-Even Years  |                                                                7.19  |                                3.59

Bloomberg, & Reuters recently reported that research firms are tracking aircraft owned by public companies and advising clients on potential deals
  • Michael Kors’s acquisition of Versace
  • Berkshire Hathaway investment Occidental Petroleum
  • Conagra’s purchase of Pinnacle Foods
All the above were tipped solely based on corporate jet travel activity

Financial sleuthing aside, the security risks that travelers on business aircraft may face has increased to unprecedented levels

Pilot In Command
  • 2,249 Total Flight Time
    • No Mishaps
  • Former Military IMC & Flight Instructor
  • Flight Safety International Trained
  • Expert in Unimproved Short Field Take-offs and Landings, Night Operations, Offshore Operations
  • Former Top Secret Clearances
  • Most versatile and valued business aircrafts in the world
  • Next level of refinement, efficiency, and technological advancement
  • Advanced Cockpit Environment (ACE) sets the bar for ultimate control and situational awareness. Safety of flight is the highest priority includes an array of new technologies like tactile feedback in unusual attitudes, an Emergency Descent Mode (EDM), and a Crew Alerting System (CAS) that automatically calls up the appropriate electronic checklist on the multi-function display. Powerful. Intuitive.
  • Versatile platform from executive transport, to sleeper to cargo
  • Top cruise speed of 290 knots (333 MPH; 537 KPH). Maximum range 1,765 nautical miles (2,031 miles; 3,269 kilometers) 
  • Top cruise speed of 311 knots (358 MPH; 565 KPH). Maximum range  1,200 nautical miles (1,381 miles; 2,222 kilometers)

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