Whether you are seeking an intensive detox to refresh and rejuvenate, a weight-loss retreat that will see the pounds drop off, a high-tech medical program, or even just a spot of pampering – you can find it all at Respiro . The experience it self lends itself to all different kinds of pampering program , for the mind body fitness affizonato's to the, body and message spa treatments to the healthy meal balance we recommend Respiro, a place to relax, regroup and regenerate all under one roof. Not a spa a destination. Italy features the best in beauty from fashion to food to scenery in the world, after all this is the home of everything that is "beauty".
Vision The energy that defends us from the outside world and from tensions and stress, passes through our muscles. The different treatments, sports, physical energy activities and beauty treatments in our programs aim at relaxing tense muscles, revitalizing and rejuvenating the body, correcting alterations to ourselves mind /body and bringing the body back to our core center of well-being, and enhancing aesthetic level makes the experience "unica". Hydrothermal experience (including Salt /Mud Treatments , Steam Room, Experiential Rains,Sauna, Hydrotherapy Pool, Heated Loungers, Foot Therapy Basins,and Relaxation Lounge
Aims and Ambition Aquatic exercise and therapy pool, State-of-the-art facilities ( Pilates, Barre & Yoga Studio. BOD POD (Body Composition Analysis) Watsu (Aquatic experience healing both physical and emotional conditions) Invigorating, skin care treatments, messages and beauty experience. Personal Styling experience Sunset/Sunrise yoga experience Reiki Messages / Relaxation therapy FOR A BRIGHTER YOU
Serene Spaces .The Discover Yoga Experience a new form of body and mind exercise, release any stress and enjoy improved flexibility plus a stronger and more powerful body. This program combines private sessions of hatha yoga, guided meditation and breathing exercise with signature massages and energy treatments. Available on certain days of the month - Mind Detox Have you become addicted to recurring thoughts which are often self-limiting and disrupt your life and relationships? Do you feel stuck in a groove? Slow down, breathe and learn techniques that will help you cleanse the mind, become aware of your thoughts and restore your brain. with a signature detox mud treatment and message
Serene Spaces Fitness Would you like to improve stamina, tone the body, get fit or address specific movement related concerns? This program focuses on assessing your fitness level and blends high and low intensity training and corrections of muscular imbalances with soothing treatments Sleep and De-stress Feeling tired, lacking energy, experiencing bouts of cold, suffering from headaches or finding it difficult to handle stress and adversity? Rest the mind and rejuvenate the body by combining practical advice from our Sleep Specialist with the many benefits of yoga and meditation, as well as relax with a detox message
Serene Spaces Cleanse And Detox Do you want to eliminate toxins, improve the digestive system, boost the immune system and achieve clarity of thought and peace of mind? Respiro use the non-invasive techniques of yogic cleanse to help your body detox in a safe, controlled manner, combined with low intensity training, detoxifying methods companied with a beauty treatment to eliminate toxins through the skin Weight Loss Could you do with shedding a few pounds and boosting your energy levels? In this program, you ’ll learn the importance of balanced nutrition, exercise and a healthy mind; and how to sustain this routine and enjoy some beauty tips and styling
This program combines scientific advances in nutrition, fitness and neuroscience with ancient wisdom from long-lived communities to achieve a healthy, balanced body and mind. By understanding that outer beauty comes from a healthy body and happy mind, Respiro can help you overcome life style related ageing effects, look at yourself in a new light and extend your health span through a personalized program.
R e s p i r o p r o v i d e s a c a l m i n g r e g e n e r a t i v e a t m o s p h e r e. The unsurpassed talent, training and knowledge of our staff is unparcelled. Al l o u r m e d i c a l t r e a t m e n t a r e s u p e r v i s e d b y a b o a r d c e r t i f i e d p r a c t i o n e r. O u r b e a u t y s e r v i c e s a r e c e r t i f i e d a n d h i g h l y t r a i n e d e s t h e t i c i a n s f r o m s o m e o f t h e e l i t e and p r e s t i g i o u s fa c i l i t i e s. O u r s t a ff a r e o p t i m a l i n t h e r r e s p e c t i v e f i e l d's
R e s p i r o p r o v i d e s t h e o p t i m a l p r o d u c t s i n s k i n c a r e f r o m E l e m i s , P a r i s i e n n e I t a l i a , B o r g h e s e t o o t h e r w e l l r e s p e c t e d s p a t r e a t m e n t l i n e. Respiro has par t n e r e d w i t h K e r a s t a s e a n d V i d a l S a s s o n t o g i v e y o u r h a i r t h e a m a z i n g f e e l i n g o f l u x u r y . Our products alongside the unsurpassed trained staff provides an award winning experience from inner to outer beauty
R e s p i r o i s n o t a s p a f o r a n i n d i v i d u a l t r e a t m e n t i s a p a c k a g e t o t r a n s f o r m y o u. We have designed our packages to tailor your goals. We can pair a trainings session with a body treatment to finish your day with make-up, hair and styling finishes. We also will have a member of our staff to assist you in outfitting you r b o d y a n d s t y l i n g n e e d s. N o o t h e r fa c i l i t y w i l l p r o v i d e t h i s u n d e r o n e r o o f.
M O N E Y W E L L S P E N T R e s p i r o i s a n e x p e r i e n c e u n l i k e n o o t h e r … w e a r e n o t y o u r t y p i c a l s p a ..w e a r e a t o t a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f b e a u t y. B e a u t y , s t a m i n a a n d y o u r w e l l b e i n g a r e p r i c e l e s s. Respiro h a s s e t i t s s t a g e t o a d e m a n d o f c l i e n t s t h a t b e l i e v e i n s e l f c a r e , n u r t u r i n g a n d o v e r a l l b e l i e v e i n a p p e a r a n c e i s E V E R Y T H I N G
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