Resonant Core Power Supply (RCG)

Resonant Core Power Supply device to Provide extended range to electric vehicles

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New device to give Electric Vehicles (EV) UNLIMITED driving range. Never needs recharging.  

Startup company requesting funds to complete International Patent Filing Fees and prototype builds.

A United States patent for an high efficiency energy generator device for Electric Vehicle (EV) cars  been awarded.  By incorporating  this new device into EV cars  results in unlimited driving range on a single charge (actually no recharging ever needed) requiring 90% smaller storage  capacity  batteries.

A requirement for fewer and / or smaller batteries yields less weight and cost, saving car manufacturers expense along with product improvement.  Smaller, cheaper and safer batteries that don't require lithium (which is in limited supply due to China hoarding 90% of world's Lithium mines) can be used thus, bypassing the supply, safety and environmental issues of Lithium batteries.

Any EV manufacturer having an exclusive patent license agreement will immediately overturn the present worldwide EV car market.

These GREEN Energy EV cars will NEVER need fuel, solar, wind, hydroelectric. geothermal energy, radio frequency power, utility grid connection, nuclear power nor consumables of any kind. This device: Resonant Core Generator (RCG) creates electrical power with NO MOVING PARTS. The RCG utilizes concept described in the Resonant Core Power Supply Patent already awarded by the US Patent Office (November 2022). 

Vehicles utilizing this new device will NOT NEED to stop driving on a long trip in order to visit a recharging station - EVER.  

These new electric vehicles can use smaller batteries (90% smaller). Having smaller batteries allows use of safer non-Lithium types of batteries that catch on fire as Lithium Ion (Lion) batteries do. Presently, all EV cars use Lion type batteries. Fire departments are now issuing "Let it burn" orders to fire fighters in cases of burning EV cars because fire cannot be extinguished with water or common foam extinguishers. This will play havoc on car insurance policies.

Petitions have been  filed for international patents in Japan, South Korea, China, Mexico and EPO (European Patent Office ). Funding  to file for Canadian patent office is needed  before Feb 07, 2024 patent filing deadline - My patent attorney requests another $37K before he prepares paperwork for Canada and he requests payment commitment before January 08, 2024. 

I plan to license exclusively to a single car manufacturer for five years @ $1K per car manufactured, payable in advance each year with an agreed upon minimum number of cars produced per year. Failure to produce the agreed upon minimum vehicles per year results in cancellation of "license exclusivity" and all other car manufacturers will be offered the same $1K per car royalty allowing all car manufacturers to compete in an open market. Toyota manufactures 500K cars per year, Tesla is planning to increase EV production to 5 million cars per year. 

Ford and GM might exit EV production due to lack of reliable Lithium suppliers and fire safety issues. Utilizing an RCG device  in each car will bypass the need for Lithium based batteries.

Since the business model relies upon selling patent license rights for royalties to large established car manufacturers who sell on a worldwide market, patents for the most prominent EV car markets must be secured.

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