Renew Eden

Raising 50K to start renewing Eden.

My new business is called Renew Eden. It's in the beginning stages and is going to provide services to Adams' and Eves' worldwide to be restored to God, to themselves and to each other. Family restoration and Eden renewed is the end goal. I have already registered my LLC and am working with to build my website where I will offer coaching, encouragement, support and curriculum for individuals and families to begin to walk in their holy destinies. This business is something that God has always calling me to. Although I couldn't have understood it then, I have a wild, crazy and hard-fought testimony of how my own family imploded and now being restored. ALL to the glory of God. Without being too specific or diving into the past, I will say that you can only appreciate heaven, when you've been to hell. Presently, I have done some canvasing and am learning a business program from Kingdom Builders as well as completing my Associates of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Colorado Christian University this year. ALL of the feedback I have received has been overwhelmingly positive and I can't wait to walk fully in my calling. Lifting people's spirits and motivating them is my God-given gift and I love miracles. They are my favorite and sometimes the most amazing miracles is a healed hurt, or a held hand or a smile given. It is for these small earthly victories, that I see huge heavenly rewards. I appreciate all reviews of my funding request and pray that if you choose not to fund me, that you are blessed by my cause and go home and enjoy your people a little more today than you did yesterday. Like my new favorite quote says, "If you want to change the world, Go love your family!" ~ Mother Teresa

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