Renegade of Light

Raising $1 million in seed funding to produce a reality based sci/fi movie.

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School of Fish Productions,  has written and are producing a feature film with "A" list attachments. Our budget is $1 million for seed funding.  The screenplay "Renegade of Light" has won 8 awards in film festivals internationally and the book is a 5 star rating on Amazon. Please see the attached review. Upon funding, we will present this project to Mark Wahlberg for the leading role.

"Renegade of Light" is exciting as the times we are living in today.  This unique story, weaves together the action/sci-fi genre but with deep and profound metaphysical overtones never seen before. It brings to public awareness, for the first time in this format, the age old understanding and shocking revelation that a malevolent interdimensional race of Reptilians operating just beyond the range of normal human perception, have locked humanity into a false holographic matrix of fear, chaos and control, from which they know few in their entire lifetimes would ever excape without help from higher forces. They also know that time is short, for they have violated Universal Law and help is on the way. 

With the decline of the film industry in Hollywood, we believe that a new film industry is emerging that will bring new and exciting concepts to the film industry. "Renegade of Light" is such a project. The business proposal and outline of the story can be found on the website provided below. Also attached is a short movie trailer.


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