RehabBoost, Inc

Rehab Boost, Inc. is a healthcare digital human body motion tracking AI and remote therapeutic monitoring start-up company seeking $1.5M A round growth capital

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Rehab Boost, Inc. is an early stage healthcare SaaS  digital human body motion tracking AI start-up headquartered in Miami, Florida.  We are seeking $1.5M in a series A round of growth capital to complete our product development efforts and build our management team.

Market Opportunity:
  • The physical rehabilitation industry is a $350 Billion global market 
  • US market is a $100 Billion market
  • 64,000 US Rehab Centers
  • 6,200 US Hospitals
  • 100M new injuries each year 
  • 70% of patients are not compliant 
  • 24.5% of all Workman Comp Claims are related to musculoskeletal injuries while workers lose 10+ days of work per year
Our disruptive platform  not only compliments  what physical therapist currently do today however, we believe Rehab Boost will drive higher patient compliance, improve patient outcomes while growing significant revenues for the physical therapy clinics.

Our solutions is a patented rehabilitation platform, powered by artificial intelligence. Utilizing proven AI technology, our solution provides instant patient feedback by simply videoing a user with any mobile, tablet or web-base device. Utilizing proprietary AI, the APP recognizes a user’s key positions during an exercise, compares them to an ideal model and triggers real-time feedback and instructions.  Rehab Boost platform drives compliance for doctors and therapists by providing real-time analytics, reporting, monitoring, & auditing patient performance during their treatment.

In partnership with the world’s leading and #1 academic medical center focused on musculoskeletal health, the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) we have created this disruptive platform that will compliment the physical therapist efforts to effectively rehab their patients and improve outcomes.  Riley Williams, MD and his team serve on our Medical Advisory Board and have played an important role in the development of our platform. 

Our seasoned healthcare executive leadership team and Board has extensive experience in the medical device, MedTech SaaS IT industry as well has worked at or with the largest healthcare systems, IDNs and physical therapy groups in the United States. 

To learn more about Rehab Boost please feel free to send me an e-mail at [email protected]

Jennifer Browning Holmes
[email protected]
Cell Phone: 317-313-3859 

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