Reforce Labs LLC

Raising $200k to Develop a Social and Ad Platform for Schools and Small Businesses Regarding Sports

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We are building a sports management and community/fan engagement platform for school athletics departments called Benchside. This platform is integrated with our ad service for small businesses to more directly reach their target audience. We have not launched yet, and will not until mid-August of this year, but when we do, most of our revenue will come directly from our over 800 local small businesses and their advertising payments. As of now, schools are not charged a fee to join, but in the future, we have plans to provide paid services to the schools, such as AI play analysis, and scouting tools once we have enough data. When released, there will be 4 user apps, 2 on the web for schools and businesses, and 2 on the mobile platforms for the fans and community. We are currently working with the New Richmond High School on the sports platforms in New Richmond, Wisconsin, where we are located and will be working with several local businesses on the ad platform.

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