Ranorm is an educational-centric business model that will teach people in whatever industry niche they are in, and, that there struggling with... If that is to, generate more traffic leads to their website, and more conversions in their sales, by, purchasing a premium affiliate system on Ranorm, that will teach them how to do it correctly, so, they can be financially free from the 9-5 grind... And again,
Ranorm is not a course, it's a system, connector business model...
An affiliate business model allows you to operate from home with not much overhead or expenses, like owning a brick-and-mortar business, or employees, if they don't want to... But, the option is always there if one decides to own a brick-and-mortar or have a huge team of people down the road...
There is a problem in this fantastic industry of affiliate marketing and that is gurus are teaching new people the wrong ways how to market correctly... And this is the reason why
Ranorm was created and that is to educate them on how to do it correctly... There's a huge market and need for this industry affiliate marketing because companies and vendors need affiliates and their skills to promote their products or services to the public on a huge scale... For example, Amazon; eBay; Nike; Tesla; Netflix; Airbnb; Travelocity; Getresponse; Bluehost; and millions more, all have affiliate marketing partner programs and are willing, to pay small to medium-sized commissions to have affiliates promote their services or vendors' products to the public without, the company's or vendors, spending huge amounts of money on advertisement...
Since gurus are teaching outdated marketing techniques to new people coming into this industry, this is where Ranorm's solution comes into the picture... Ranorm not only teaches them how to do it effectively but, shows them evergreen strategy techniques that are not shown to the general public... Ranorms uses data aggregation techniques, that, no one is using and, gives new people an avenge to have little to no competition to win big... Also, Ranorm not only educates new people on how to market correctly but, also helps newcomers who might not have products to promote and, can get behind the Ranorms system that has vetted on their behalf, so they know they are getting a premium affiliate system that payout 40% 80% and even 100% commissions, then, Amazon; Nike; and the other affiliate sites, as mentioned above...
Ranorm is a whole other animal when it comes to being different, and how it conducts marketing and education... Where everyone is jumping on the next big thing like TikTok; Instagram; YouTube; and good old-fashioned Facebook for marketing, Ranorm, doesn't use these platforms to acquire traffic pure say, because they are too overlay-saturated and very expensive... With Ranorm, the company will teach new people potent and effective evergreen techniques, and data aggregation that no one ever uses...
There is competition in this industry because there are more affiliates promoting affiliate marketing programs online every day... But, a couple of good news is, first, that this is a wide industry affiliate marketing which has thousands of
different types of niches. To name a few, it can be anything from, relationships; home & gardening; wealth, beauty niche; weight loss; personal finance; travel services; online business; food; education; etc, which means more room to grow... Second, in my industry which is, an online business, there are a lot of affiliate marketers prompting affiliate stuff but, only a handful of marketers are promoting it in the right way... This means a better opportunity for
Ranorm to come in a help people who are looking for a real legitimate affiliate online business that not only has superb evergreen techniques and data aggregation that are not taught to the public but, also has real support, and coaching while other don't have either...
My long-term vision for Ranorm when it grows, would be to help individuals earn while they learn by doing live webinars, from the answers they give... From what I have seen on the internet, no one is doing this, and it would be a game changer... Plus, by giving people a chance to earn from their answers in the webinar, they could put that seed money back into their business or, inside the Ranorm system, versus, getting a loan or finance with huge interest rates. I believe by putting incentives in front of people, they would listen and learn faster versus, not having incentives in front of them... Nowadays, people's attention span is between 8 and 10 seconds... So by capitalizing on this problem, we can be unique in education that pays them for the right answers that give, and that's how Ranorm dominates the internet and becomes a household brand!
Ranorms hub, 'aka' website, is built on the Estage platform... Because it's built on the Estage, Ranorm hub will automatically rank on the first page of Google without having to do any or, much SEO... Also, on the
GTmetrix.com website, you can plugin any website URL on
GTmetrix.com and see how other websites do next to one another regarding performance; page load speed; and rankings... And what I have seen is that Ranorm.com, which is built on Estage, the site outbeats Nike; and eBay, in performance, page load speed, and grade score... And that's important because, when it comes to any website page loading up, you want to make sure you grab the attention of your customers, without a lag of the page loading up which, will help conversions and also, make it Google-friendly on the web, for SEO... The reason I tell you all this is because Ranorm has the potential of getting noticed on the web... Also,
Cloudflare.com which is another platform used for increasing security and performance of the website, shows people already finding the
Ranorms site without having to run any advertisements yet... Since Ranorm is a start-up company without any traction yet, it has serious potential to become much more and a household brand...
Since we are talking about affiliate marketing, the affiliate marketing concept has a medium to bear entry, and results show within 90 days versus, running a brick-and-mortar business, which has a higher cost of up to $100,000 plus, without being able to break even after two years... If Ranorm's $10K project was funded today, it would help achieve the goals for this project within 90 days...
If the Ranorms 10K project was funded today, not only would you see the potential of it, helping millions; being a household name; and, being the go-to hub, for starting any, real ideal affiliate marketing business or, niche of their choice... Too many new folks online with dreams and hopes of wanting to start a home-based businesses are being led astray by these so-called affiliate gurus, teaching outdated traffic techniques, giving no support, coaching, or mentorship, which makes me sick to my stomach... There are now highly successful affiliate entrepreneurs, just to name a few like - Aaron Chen; Vick Strizheus; and Anthony Morrison, who are already joining the fight against these gurus online, who are leading newbies astray with their facade online programs... But, Ranorm will be doing things differently to help join the fight with these successful affiliate entrepreneurs by also, showing new people, or session marketers, how to start a real ideal affiliate business, If they're struggling to learn how to get traffic or, convert their leads into sales...
I do have a long-term vision for my company Ranorm... My long-term vision for Ranorm, once it's grown is to, be able to help my new members earn, while they learn, by jumping on my live webinars inside Ranorms hub, to answer the questions I'll be giving to them, and the answers from the questions, they give back to me about affiliate marketing or any certain topic that we discuss at that moment, about marketing... My goal is to make this a fun atmosphere while they earn and learn... The way this would work would be I put up either $1K,$2K, or 3K for that month that we do the lives... And these webinars would be held two times a week, every week... On these live webinars, the first; second, and third person to give me the answer the fastest would get rewarded... The first person who gets the answer right will receive $250 bucks. If the second person, gets the answer right on time will get, $100 bucks, and, the third, person who gets the answer right on time will get $80 bucks... The first, person who gets the answers right, will then, be brought up on the live panel, to tell how they came up with that answer... This way it prevents them from just guessing the answer in the chat box and getting $250 bucks free. I don't want them to guess the answers, I want them to know the answers, hence the word "earn while they learn"... If they get the answer wrong, they won't get the $250 bucks reward but, they can try again on the next question... From what I have seen on the internet, no one is doing this earning while, they learn, and it would be a game changer for sure... Ranorm VIP Plus would be a monthly subscription of $97 to participate in the earn while, they learn program... by giving people a chance to earn, they will focus better and learn faster... Also, they could potentially put the money they've earned on the live webinar, back into their business; courses of their choosing, or even courses that I may recommend on the Ranorm site...
Buying an affiliate system on the Ranorm site would mean that they wouldn't have to waste their time and money on courses, by going to the likes of, Google search engine and looking up keywords around, "how to start an online business" or "make money from home" and end up with, a billion-five hundred search results on those keywords and, could potentially run into scam websites doing it this way... Members who purchase from the Ranorm site will know for a fact, that this system, has been vetted by the Ranorms company... Also, my prospects would feel better buying from people they have known grown liked, and trusted versus, buying from the Google search engine or, some guru YouTuber, on YouTube... And this will grow the brand and like said, make it a household brand one day...