Quality Improvement Solutions

Raising $25k to start up small business Quality Improvement Solutions.

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The business is Quality Improvement Solutions and would provide services for QMS implementation and Auditing Services .   The QMS Implementation and auditing services would be for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017. The ASQ certificate training would be for CQE, CQA, CQPA, CQT, CQI, CCT, CSQE, CQIA. The idea is to to San Diego to the ASQ World Quality Improvement Conference and have a  booth to help promote the business. The conference is from May 12th to May15th. The website is www.qis-consulting.com. The team currently just consists of me right now. I currently have 17 years of quality experience and have the following certifications. ISO 9001:2015 Exemplar Global Certified, ASQ CQT certified and ASQ CQI certified.

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