Click this link to view my business plan. software product uses an entirely different perspective of managing construction. We call it the “ProTech Method”. The ProTech Method puts the worker/sub-contractor in the driver’s seat with strict, clear directions as to where the Project Manager needs them to go. This allows for the Project Manager to sit in the backseat and observe where the project is headed and make informed decisions in real time. Our software provides collected real time data reporting that no other software can currently provide.
Alex’s Journey - This software concept was born out of 20 years of trying to build a successful custom cabinet fabricating company within the commercial building construction industry. After my subcontracting company was as efficient as it could be, I realized that the next step was to organize the industry. My company could not improve until the industry improved. After 2 very frustrating years of trying to organize the industry from the position of a subcontractor, I realized that the problem must be solved at the General Contractor’s level. So I closed my business of 15 years in an industry that I had devoted my whole life to, cabinet production, and started developing a permanent solution to the project management problem within the Building Construction Industry. Through that pursuit, ProTech Method was born.
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