The idea is to create a conglomerate using Ben Graham and Warren Buffet's investment techniques to value companies. Looking for starting capital to purchase significant stakes (potential controlling interests) in a few identified companies. I have developed a sophisticated model based on these men's ideas on investing and identifying value. I have back tested the model extensively to ensure what they saw in terms of value is what my model was seeing as well, as well as use the training I received in my MBA to identify prime opportunities. I use this model and their techniques in my own personal portfolio and family and friends.
My background is in finance and business. I graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor in Finance. I hold a Master of Business Administration (specialized in leadership), in which I graduated with a 4.0 gpa and was awarded the Distinguished Scholar award.
For the past 5 years I have worked in Capital Markets and currently work in Real Estate as a Financial Analyst for a Fortune 200 company.
I am open to a variety of business arrangements, which we can discuss further in private.
I am setting the cap for funds raised at $5 million and a minimum of $300k. I would prefer a debt financing arrangement, but am open to an equity arrangement ad well.
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