Project Canada

Raising capital and given up equity

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Business Overview
- The business operates in the mobile shop industry in Canada, with over 80 locations in shopping malls nationwide.
- With a workforce of 300 employees and multiple branches, the business caters to a significant customer base, attracting a lot of people daily who spend an average of CAD 50.
- The product range includes new and refurbished mobile phones, mobile phone accessories, and services such as repairs and activations.
- Phone accessories are among the top-selling products, contributing to the business's revenue stream.
- Besides retail sales, the business also generates revenue from repairing mobile phones.
- The strategic positioning of outlets in malls has proven advantageous, leading to high foot traffic and minimal advertising expenses.
- The business's widespread presence in shopping malls across Canada provides a robust platform for expansion and growth within the mobile retail industry.
Products & Services Overview
Our products include.
- Mobile phones, both new and refurbished.
- Mobile phone accessories,
- Repairs & activation etc.
Assets Overview
Tangible assets: The office in Canada.
Intangible assets : Trade name, goodwill.
Facilities Overview
Shop sizes vary from about 150 sqft to 1,000 sqft. We have 80 such shops under lease around Canada.
Capitalization Overview
The business has no debt, self funded by the owner.
Business is 100% owned by 1 shareholder.
No loans or taxes owed.

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