Pro Per Para, LLC

Virtual Paralegal Company looking to scale and grow nationally.

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Pro Per Para is a company that is dedicated to developing turnkey paralegal departments using proprietary software which links the needs of the attorneys with the paralegals directly. 
The business model is designed to work in all fields of law and all counties in the United States as well as Canada. This is far too broad for a startup to scale and fill, but using a franchise type model, the business can be sold and developed for the needs of the county in such a way that the company can administrate the work, and the franchisees can work with the freedom to develop and work with the needs of the local county courts. The work is developed to fit the requirements and nomenclature of the county and the needs of the attorneys that work in the field. Pro Per Para works with attorneys in a business to business strategy, developing cases for attorneys in a secure environment with layers of quality assurance to insure professionalism.  The field of law has not developed into the information era yet and because of this attorneys are using antiquated and outdated systems, Pro per para has seen the limitations of this field first hand, and with our talented and dedicated team we can develop the foundation for an information era law field.   

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