Oil and gas operator with Texas Railroad Commission. I have a 505-acre lease with old Tannehill Production at 1600 feet. Tests have shown Strawn Sand around 2600 to 2800 feet and Limestone Formation around 4,000 feet. Currently drilling in the Strawn Sand as it is easier to complete in a sand formation and will not have to drill as deep. This lease has another formation that has shown up as well. We have approximately 7 to 8 locations for additional wells in the Strawn. These wells come in around 60 to 150 barrels of oil a day and settle out. At $90 a barrel oil initial return of an investment will vary between 6 months to 1 year. I have a contract with Energy Transfer to buy the oil and currently have casing and some other equipment for the well. We have a driller set to come on within a month and the pads are already done.
I have been an operator for 12 years. I have a degree in math from the University of Texas at Austin, Texas, and have held a Securities License and a Financial Planners Certification.
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