Script Lynx Inc. is a startup enterprise offering an all inclusive monitoring system for the safe use of Schedule II Narcotics for patients. Our patented real time prescription monitoring system allows physicians to monitor drug use in a patient's home (or anywhere) 24/7, and gives a physician the ability to change treatment protocol at any time. The system is not limited to narcotics, but can also be utilized for any daily medication that a physician wants to monitor in real time. With regard to narcotics, this monitoring system reinforces compliance with the pillars of pain management that health professionals adhere to in dispensing these dangerous, yet critically important medications to post-surgical and chronic pain patients. According to the last compiled data, 56.5 million people filled at least one prescription for an opioid in 2020, a total of 55 million prescriptions in 2020 were for more than a thirty day supply. In the same year (2020) 142 million opioid prescriptions were dispensed by retail pharmacies. Our mission is to provide physicians with the peace of mind that the medications being prescribed are used for their intended purpose.
Physicians who prescribe medications are regulated to follow certain tenets or "pillars" in their treatment of chronic paint patients, in order to reduce the likelihood of misuse/diversion, addiction, and promote compliance with an outlined treatment plan. These pillars include consulting with the patient in scheduled appointments ; random urine screening and pill counts; and monitoring through a M.A.P.S. (or equivalent) system. Script Lynx Inc. addresses these pillars in a way that ensures they are faithfully executed in a manner never before possible. Our system incorporates a medicine box that weighs the medications on a continuous basis, each time the box is opened, the medicine is removed and then returned to the box, and the box is then closed. The data collected from this process is then sent to a website for the doctor to review. The data identifies whether the weight of the medication indicates usage under the daily prescribed amount. If the weight is less than what it should be for the daily usage, then an alert is sent to the patient requiring him to undergo a pill count or urine screen within a 24hr period. The box can also send the patient out for a random pill count or urine screen if the physician identifies the need in the prescription. We obtained a patent for this system in July 2023 (patent No. US 11707416B2).
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently adopted new CPT Codes from the American Medical Association that allow for reimbursement on a new set of treatment protocol called "Remote Therapeutic Monitoring". This protocol incorporates CPT 98975, 98977, 98980, and 98981. With these new codes, CMS began reimbursing the protocol in January of 2023. CPT 98975 allows a $24.00 initial setup and patient education for the use of the device utilizing the remote monitoring. CPT 98977 is a code that reimburses for "recordings and/or programmed alert transmissions to monitor musculoskeletal systems each 30 days". This code is essentially the reimbursement for the data our medicine box collects and sends to the website on a daily basis. The current reimbursement for CPT 98977 is $69.00 monthly. The next two codes the doctors office can utilize are for monitoring the data with at least one interactive communication with the patient about the data per month reimbursed at $60.00 per month for the first 20 min, and $48.00 for each additional 20 min thereafter. Our box has a tablet incorporated so the communication can be directly established through the box at any time. The key to these codes is that the doctor does not need to perform these services, they can be conducted by his physician assistant. So on a monthly basis, the doctor's office can collect between $129-$177 monthly for utilizing the Script Lynx monitoring system per patient. Our revenue stream utilizes a monthly payment of $69.00 monthly for the box paid by the doctor's office, and a $25.00 subscription fee from the patient for utilization of the tablet for communicating with the doctor's office and access to the data on the website. Script Lynx, therefore is reimbursed $94.00 monthly for utilization of the system, per patient. For the doctor's office, this translates into a net monthly revenue of $60-$108 monthly per patient. The average Pain Management office maintains between 1,500 to 2,000 patients. Script Lynx, could collect $141,000.00 monthly just from one office! Most notably, this is only the average reimbursement rate for Medicare. Though private insurances like BCBS, AETNA and HAP have not yet incorporated the codes, they will in all probability be online in the next six months at a reimbursement rate of 230% of the medicare rates for these CPT codes if they follow the longstanding practice of rate setting. This means the reimbursement rate will be 2-21/2 times the amount of the medicare rates.
The founders of Script Lynx Inc. are Dr. Kevin Lee and Grady Toombs, Esq. Both founders have decades of experience in the Health and Wellness space. Dr. Lee is a board certified, Ivy League trained Neurosurgeon who has incorporated pain management in his practice post surgery for the past thirty plus years. Mr. Toombs has been an attorney representing physicians and surgical facilities and health systems for the past twenty-five years, and has owned a home care agency for more than twelve of those years. His experience in the home care space has involved continuous interaction with the dispensing of schedule II narcotics to the company's patients. Together, the founders different perspectives on the opioid crisis and unique experiences, has allowed them to craft the all encompassing business model that makes the company well suited to succeed in the targeted market. Specifically, from Dr. Lee's perspective, he has provided insight as to the need of the physician to have peace of mind that he will not be targeted by any regulatory agency for simply trying to do his job and provide pain relief for his patients. He knows the apprehension to prescribe pain medication has created a second crisis, where the patient in the most need of chronic pain care have limited options.
Additional team members include project manager and lead technology engineer Kenan Wolberg, who holds multiple patents in the medtech space. Dr. Ashraf Khan, director of pain management for a large health system in Michigan, is a consultant who has agreed to allow Script Lynx to utilize his practice for beta testing and, assuming all testing confirms the expected results, will recommend commercial use throughout the whole pain management department in the Health system.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions, or to discuss your interest in our company.
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