I have 3 ideas named the Genesis Projects that each could be global level businesses that address various energy aspects from trucking to ocean to facilities. 3 ideas for the world

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Pranaworks, a start-up, is a Non-Profit company established to promote design work related to environmental issues that can develop to be global business entities. They are collectively called The Genesis Projects (GAS, GHS, & GSS).
The Genesis Aerdynamic System is an innovative idea to help make Class 8 trucks (mainly), medium duty box trucks and vans, large classes of RVs, interstate motor coach buses and even trucked shipping containers be more aerodynamic, thus saving on fuel use and creating less GHG.  This UNIVERSAL APPLICATION is an electro-mechanical-hydraulic, autonomous, energy self sufficient, all weather machine designed to work anywhere in the world.  The idea is accompanied with a volume of text (a basic business plan and other technical  operational explanations) and technical drawings and is ready to engineer and prototype. 
2) The Genesis Harvest Ship is an idea that we can aggressively approach the problem of removing the garbage from our world's oceans with an autonomous, ever - working fleet system of energy self-sufficient ships. This idea also has a  certain amount of technical and semi-technical drawings and text work completed. More technical support  to refine the design from several disciplines needed before scale  protype models can be made and testing begun.
3) The Genesis Skylight System is an innovative idea of a specialized means to bring sunlight into the cores of highrise facilities (new or old) from the roof to ALL lower floors!  This idea is advanced enough to also engineer and prototype.  Energy cost savings and new design values will emerge.
These are the top 3 of 5 design ideas titled under the Genesis Projects by Founder, Kenneth Harper. 
What I think is needed to do in the first two year  effort is expand the company personell, create a more detailed business plan, fulfill  infrastructure needs, develop new sources of funding, begin basic modeling, testing and refining of certain  designs and work on business expansion. 
The Climate Change clock is ticking and the Earth and humanity' s needs compel us to act NOW!  Thus, the Genesis Projects and my personal need to progress and develop these ideas that are not just mere widgets, but each on its own can develop into global scale industries that everybody and every living thing can benefit from.
Kenneth is semi retired from the Real Estate industry.  He majored in architecture in college and spent the majority of his working years in residential and commercial arenas working in various positions from construction to  being self employed in property maintenance (commercial / residential), to building maintenance management roles, then to facility  management roles in the Financial District of San Francisco.
His passion for environmental issues has led him to be a life-long  cyclist and to try and lend help to solve some pressing issues with his creativity in the Genesis Projects.  All life is prana.

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