
Raising $200 K to move manufacturing proven pet product to the US

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Vizoovet is for KCS (dry eye) product for pets with 2 ACVO published peer reviewed studies. Drug and steroid sparing, no reactions no side effects no stinging and the product that was used to treat the eyes of burn victims of the Australian fires.
Jorgensen Laboratories ( is waiting for our agreement to complete the order. I can’t give them pricing until we can manufacture or have it manufactured here.
Petnetwork - Veterinary ophthalmologist and Dermatologist Tested Therapies for Pets

2. Your Team 
Until now it’s been just me. I've been in the Veterinary and Animal Health industry since I was 12.  By expanding. the team, Jorgensen Laboratories  we will see exponential growth. Both Jorgensen and  Petnetwork  have access to the best specialists  in the business and Jorgensen is one of the leaders in the Animal Health Industry and has 50 years worth of connections to the others.

3. Problem - What problem is there and how big is the market.
The problem is pets with ocular surface disease mainly KCS or “dry eye” is currently only a number of drugs are used in treatment. They are cyclosporin, Tacrolimus, analgesics corticosteroids and antibiotics. The issue is these drugs have known side effects. Probably the biggest problem is most of these drugs are irritating to the eye. 
The following is a study showing what Vizoovet™ does to relieve symptoms of KCS and the initial study done in dogs showing the responses they receive will be greater if Vizoovet® is used alone and the drugs use is discontinued.  The following links will be to the studies referenced on this page:

If an owner has to wrestle their pet to administer the medication it’s over before it gets started in many cases. If it stings once the next time the animal sees the bottle in the owners hand they are gone! It makes it very hard for the owners to consistently treat which is necessary for success.

4. Solution - How do you uniquely solve that problem.
Vizoovet from Petnetwork solves the problem. It doesn’t sting, it has no side effects and no drug interactions. In many cases veterinary ophthalmologists have been able to reduce or eliminate the other drugs just mentioned. Pet owners love it because their pets don’t run and hide. Vizoovet has been shown to do 3 very important things in KCS cases. It increases tear flow, normalizes osmolality providing some pain relief and it increases tear film break up time. See link:

Think of this as using your windshield wipers with water or without. If there’s deficient tear film blinking damages the cornea which can lead to ulcers. Also there’s no blood supply to the anterior segment of the eye. All the exchange of nutrients, gasses and wastes occur in the tear film. A deficient tear film means there will be a loss of vision as the cells of the eye starve for oxygen.
Vizoovet also helps heal corneal ulcers as shown in an attached study. The market for KCS in pets is big. There are approximately 300-400 million pets in the US. Of those it’s estimated that 22.5% have some issue with their eyes that Vizoovet will help.

5. Business Model - How do you make money.
We sell to veterinary ophthalmologists who have influence with the clinics who refer to them. We now have a company who sells to every distributor who sell to sell to every veterinary clinic. The distributor reps reps  call on the clinics between 2 weeks to once a month.  So far it’s been only me. Our penetration should be massive in comparison. 
We have been able to produce  these two published studies specific to animals that show (Pilot Study) that Vizoovet is safe and effective for KCS  see link:

Vizoovet® lasts longer as a lubricant than the number one product most people buy at the pharmacy after their vet tells them their pet has KCS. (GenTeal) See link:

The second and  more detailed study shows Vizoovet® is more effective for corneal ulcers than an analogous serum ophthalmologists have been using. We are now able to say that “Vizoovet heals corneal ulcers” which is a quote from one of the researchers who conducted the study. See link:

The best cases for the clinicians to try Vizoovet® on are the ones where the animal has stopped responding or never responded to conventional drugs. Those patients have owners who are exasperated with the results and are near giving up. Those have been some of the best documented cases of effectiveness by veterinary ophthalmologists. One interesting 10 year case treated by an ophthalmologist can be seen :

Vizoovet because "It's the best product for meimobian gland dysfunction."
 That statement was given to attendees at the most recent ACVO meeting in Maui  by Ann Graztek DACVO. 

Vizoovet® is also the product used during and since the devastating Australian fires on animals that had thermal, smoke or burn injuries to their eyes.

Dr. Todd Driggers was given Vizoovet for his  volunteer mission to save and heal these magnificent creatures in his native country. Vizoovet gives the volunteers a completely safe analgesic and anti-inflammatory to comfort the animals from thermal injury until they can be seen by the veterinarian.   Dr. Driggers with a couple  of the Vizoovet treated patients. See Links:

Vizoovet is now in the burn kits of the California Veterinary Reserve Corps based at UC Davis Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
6. Competition - Who is already in the market. Attachment would not copy/paste.  See link:

  7. Your Vision - How will your company own the market.
The issue with getting Vizoovet off the ground has been backorders and lack of marketing and sales. With Jorgensen distributing the products, there will be an immediate increase as they have 21 seasoned sales reps nationwide calling on vet clinics who really have had very little exposure to Vizoovet. My thoughts are we would increase the sales 21 fold within a few months if not sooner. We initially detail the product to the specialists. The referring vet practice notices what the specialist sends their client home with and then they too will order.  months. The inventory will now be controlled here, in the US and promoted by seasoned established reps from a trusted reputable company.

8. Traction - What have you already achieved.

 Advertising would insure traction. Jorgensen also advertises the products they sell and attend all the important meetings in the US.
Product handouts, videos  and documented cases are available.
9. Funding Ask - How much do you need to achieve your vision.
Enough to have 30 cartons  of 102 10ml Vizoovet for Jorgensen’s initial order and another 30 at least to ensure there is no disruption in inventory. 

10. Projections - What does winning look like if it all works out.
See SBA analysis below. That report is based on these types of products sales on Amazon. These products get their start at the veterinary clinics. It’s difficult to get people to put something in their pet’s eyes unless they hear it from their vet. We will need to get the sales numbers of the Veterinary clinics. 

11. - What’s next.
Next would be studies on Feline Herpes and Equine Recurring Uveitis to gain access to those sections of the Animal Health market. (I already have preliminary data that Vizoovet works for those diseases from specialists conducting their own testing but have promised not to disclose).
Product handouts, videos  and documented cases are available.

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