Party Inn A Box

Raising $200k for my Party Box E-Commerce Website

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Party in a Box (PNB) is a online retailer for party supplies. Our goal is to bring the fun to your front door. We specialize in party boxes and are a first in making party boxes in this format.  Our Company’s primary products are party boxes for Men, Women and Children. Party Inn A Box is an Online Retailer. We specialize in new brands and focus on being a trendsetter in the party industry. Our motto is “Why Shop around when there’s a Party In a Box. Growing faster due to the Pandemic because of the convenience of our products being shipped directly to the door of our customers. The Company currently employs 3 Full Time employees and some Part Time employees. We have been collaborating with some online (YouTube) influencers. We are wanting to buy the necessary equipment to expand our creative processes. We are also working on hiring more employees and locking in a working location. We are expanding our business online presence with a major marketing campaign which has already received 44908 impressions and 3432 clicks on Facebook alone.
We have been collaborating with some online (YouTube) influencers. We are wanting to buy the necessary equipment to expand our creative processes. We are also working on hiring more employees and locking in a working location. The target market is composed of men and women, 18-40 years of age, with mid-range incomes. The target customer is anyone looking to plan a party or special event, residing in suburban and urban areas. They are either shopping for themselves or for their children. Party Inn A Box customers are definitely sensitive towards having the most up to date party ideas and accessories but at an affordable price. The Company request a total loan of $200,000.00 over the course of 4 years, to be used for expansion and major marketing and inventory. 

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