Parcelndex National Common Parcel Indexing

Finance a campaign for broad use of National Common Parcel Indexing to Vastly Improve all Real Estate Information Operations

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We enable all real estate data users to better access reliable and timely parcel data by easily adding a National Common Parcel Indexing [NCPI] Field to data Hubs and everywhere else to make operations one big interconnected digital collaboration.

An expanded Management team, supported by a public relations campaign, expedites recruitment of high-end users to become member investors in the National Common Parcel Indexing Consortium [NCPIC]. By the biggest users also being NCPIC investors will best globally impower the Open Geospatial Metaverse Community by being its Parcel Index Layer, making all spatial content more Open Geospatial Consortium FAIR compliant, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

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