The only complete cooking paste. Our tomato-based cooking pastes contain authentic Mexican seasoning blends and kelp for the ultimate umami. Brown up your favorite protein and/or veggies, add our paste and a splash of water, simmer for 1-3 mins and Eat!
We want to produce our cooking pastes for sale online through our website for direct-to-consumer sales. As production capacity and demand for our product increases, we will get our pastes into grocery stores across the U.S., Canada, and South Korea. Over the next few years, we will introduce new flavors after an established foundational line of 2-3 heat level (flavors) cooking pastes are on the market.
We are currently working with a food science company in the Netherlands to develop our recipes for manufacture, nutritional labels, shelf stability, and legal requirements.
About 3 years ago, Hello Fresh went viral for their Tex-Mex paste included in their Mexican-inspired meals. The internet went crazy over their paste, they wanted HF to sell it, but they refused. People are still trying to make their versions of this paste at home, but it requires advanced cooking knowledge, and most people can't or won't do it.
I was surprised by all this because I have been making and using my cooking pastes for YEARS to get my home-cooked meals on the table in minutes!
171.82 million Americans used plain tomato paste in 2020 to create richer, saucier dishes. The global seasoning & spices market was valued at USD 35.38 billion in 2021.
30K+ members in the Hello Fresh Reddit forum still talk about this paste.
Let's work together to offer eager consumers the BEST and ONLY cooking paste on the market with proven recipes from a real 100% Latina Women-Owned Business.
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