Overcoming Trauma

Raising $75,000 to open a mental health clinic serving childhood trauma, active duty military, veterans, domestic violence survivors, and first responders.

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I am a social worker and have been practicing for 24 years.  I am also an adult survivor of childhood trauma.  

The reason why there’s high suicide rates with active duty military and veterans is because the VA uses Exposure Therapy. The goal for this is every time you go to group therapy or individual therapy, you have to tell your story over and over again. This is supposed to make you become desensitized so you can get on with your life. What it actually does is re-traumatizes you over and over again. 

What I did was to develop my own approach. It’s called “Overcoming Trauma.”  My first treatment goal is to learn why I am the way I am and why do I think and act the way I do.  For my clients who will defeat their demons, I have a 100% success rate. 

I want to open a mental health clinic serving those with childhood, military, veterans, domestic violence, and first responders dealing with trauma.  

I also want to take Overcoming Trauma nationwide. 

I know I am the only trauma therapist in South Carolina who treats trauma like this. The majority of trauma therapists use Exposure Therapy. 

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