Old Town Atwater

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Old Town Atwater is a 501(c)(3) in Atwater California. The organization is focused on enriching the lives of residents and promoting the business community. We organize 4 events each year that help achieve our goals. With the folding of the local chamber of commerce, Old Town Atwater has expanded our mission beyond just downtown to include the entire City of Atwater.

Old Town Atwater is currently working on the third year of one of the most successful events they organize. The seasonal ice-skating rink takes place in the heart of downtown Atwater. For the past two years the organization has taken on the task of hosting this event in an effort to offer it to our community so they can experience ice skating. 

The community that surrounds the ice-skating rink is mostly disadvantaged and most of the children in this community have never experienced the thrill of ice skating and this is the focus of this event, bringing this experience to children and adults that may never be able to experience it otherwise. We have partnered with the local elementary school district the past two years to have field trips to the ice rink during the school day and beyond that, and one of the founding principles of the event is providing 8,000 free admission tickets to all elementary school children.

The ice-skating rink is seasonal and operates from November to January and has an attendance of 12,000 each year. This is a monumental task and effort by our membership. It all starts with fundraising which is crucial to this being a successful event. Each year when the ice-skating rink closes the fundraising begins. The operating cost of the ice-skating rink is approximately $350,000 with only $200,000 coming from admission ticket and concession sales. The additional $150,000 comes from generous community sponsors. Community sponsors are vital to our organization, and this is the only way we can put on this event each year.

Once again, this year we have turned to our generous community for support in the form of monetary contributions so we can continue this event.  The community once again has come forward to support this event. We have noticed that contributions have been less this year, and contributors have expressed concerns about the economy.

The Board of the organization has come up with a plan to reduce the operating cost for this event and adapt to reduce contributions from the community. Each year all of the facilities and equipment involved in the event are rented. The Board has determined that the cost can be greatly reduced if the equipment is purchased rather than rented. In most cases the upfront cost for the purchase is the same as a one-year rental cost is not less. Once the organization owns the equipment it will substantially reduce the cost and reduce reliance on community donations.

The organization has already started to implement this strategy with the purchase of ice resurfacing equipment. The cost was $20,000 and has reduced our annual rental cost by $10,000. We would like to purchase the ice rink dasher boards after the conclusion of this season at a cost of $50,000-$60,000. This will reduce our annual rental cost by $40,000. Another item that needs to be purchased is the temporary structure over the ice-skating rink at a cost of $200,000 which would reduce the annual rental cost by $40,000.

We appreciate all of our contributors and would not be able to provide this event to the community without each and every one of them. We appreciate your time and hope you see the joy and benefit this event brings to this disadvantaged community and decide to support this event.

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