Ohmic Technologies

Raising US$1.0M to complete our product development and go to market. Customers responding positively awaiting final product. Demo and Development kits have been released.

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Ohmic is revolutionizing the design of headphones. We have developed a sensor-less technology enabling biometrics - heart rate monitoring and unique user identification.  We have validated our technology and are demonstrating on off-the-shelf headphones to customers.  Initial customer response has been very positive.  Multiple headphone OEMs are interested in evaluating our technology. We are releasing our development (DEV) kit in June 2024.  We have received our first purchase order for a DEV kit from one of the leading module OEMs. The DEV kit allows customers to start developing headphones with integrated Ohmic technology in anticipation of receiving our final product. The funding is required in order for us to take the final steps towards productization, and go to market in late 2025

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