Project funds to establish our Ocean Gold Mining Consortium, by securing mining access agreements for 18,515 proven gold bearing acres, in shallow waters off Nome, AK..

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I apologize in advance for putting together a brief overview that is obviously not too sophisticated, it is however 100% real and there is no BS within it.
We have a large volume of hard documentation. to provide on this amazing proven gold project.

We worked for a company that recovered 11,880 gold placers ounces in shallow waters, underwater off Nome, Alaska.
We are forming a Consortium to recover 17,000 to 22,000 gold placer ounces per Rig, per Season,
We seek some initial startup funds to secure mining access agreements for approx., 20,000 Ocean shallow water proven gold bearing acres.  The Nome Ocean Gold Placer Field is fully proven, documented and there are several Published Professional Studies and over 4,000+ published drill logs reports on the gold resources there. 
Simply put:
We can provide a PowerPoint Presentation on the Project and we have the hard documentation of the gold recovery sales records from the bulk-testing that occurred,
- we have a full cadre of Professional Consultants available, and full hard documentation on the gold resources there and the project parameters,
-securing the initial startup funds will facilitate our securing mining access agreements, and other very valuable items, fully available to us, and allow us to move on, with your funding and equity participation, to then move to securing the full project funding,
-the mining access agreements, which will be extremely valuable in their own right, will give us the rights & ability to mine on proven gold grounds.
-Our second phase will be securing project funds, will be supported by the startup funds, and will be a multi-faceted approach reaching out to Private Placement Venture Capital sources,     Large Marine Contractors/Mining firms, possibly looking at a Public Offering,
The use of the project funds will be to secure proven high-capacity equipment, similar to the dredging industry. Our Team has extensive Heavy Marine & Underwater Construction experience and importantly, fully participated in the 4 seasons of bulk-testing the gold resources in the shallow waters off Nome, Alaska, which produced 11,880 gold placer ounces.

A part of the utilization of the startup-funds, we will make application for separate Exploration & Prospecting permits with the Alaskan dept. of Natural Resources, this is entirely separate from the mining access agreements for the proven gold acreages stated above. 

Securing these Permits, for potentially another 18-22,000 gold bearing acres will provide very significant additional gold bearing ocean acreages, which will be valuable in their own right, and be very positively viewed by project funding resources.
Please note that the present Nome Ocean Gold Placer Field , resourced at a conservative 5-6 million gold placer ounce will provide a 15-20 year 'mine life', an item of import for the project funding resources.
In our workup for the project, we have blocked some 450,000 gold placer ounces , utilizing the disciplines & overview of our Consultants and the proven published drill logs results.
-keep in mind that the marine firm that did the bulk-testing, recovering the 11,880 gold ounces used the drill log locations & reports for their initial position of their low-capacity equipment, confirming the accuracy of the drill log gold resource reports.

We have a large amount of documentation, some published and some very confidential.  We are happy to share with all interested parties, of proven financial resource and written communicated interest, - after we exchange some protective agreement measures.
Importantly, we likely will accomplish 'Phase One" without needing or spending the full $1million request, certainly this all requires a detailed discussion with the interested parties.


                     John Keeley
        Director of Operations
Nome Ocean Gold Consortium
[email protected]


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