No Air Coffee LLC

Raising $500,000 projected to triple ROI within 5 years with our newly patented coffee making process

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No Air Coffee LLC is a product design company that recently received patent approval (April 2024) for a new coffee making process we believe will create a major disruption in the 3.7 Billion (USA) coffee maker market. We use Atmospheric Reduction Technology (State of Vacuum) to brew faster, fresher, and with more flavor than traditional methods. Our new brewing method prevents the formation of rogue acids that cause stomach discomfort, which is considered the #1 complaint amongst coffee drinkers.
We are seeking $500,000 in order to develop a fully automated version of our existing manual hot brewer, create/execute a marketing campaign to introduce this new technology to the marketplace, and outfit an experimental coffee truck as a means to deliver this new coffee experience directly to consumers in order to generate customer awareness and desire. Our new brewing process works equally as well for cold brew as it does for hot brew opening doors to numerous revenue streams in the mainstream coffee market. 
This is the first discovery of a legitimately new method of coffee extraction since the espresso machine was patented upwards of 100 years ago. The NoAir Full Immersion Vacuum Brewing process has the potential to impact every aspect of the coffee consumption market, most notably in the areas of health benefits and enjoyment of experience.    

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