Never Say Never To Rock N Roll

Raising 500k to film parts 2 and 3 of our documentary film series for streaming television

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Our international award winning documentary division is seeking completion funds for a 3 part documentary 'Never Say Never To Rock N Roll',  which is about how it is never too late to live your dreams. A true inspirational story and example of the American Dream.

We filmed the documentary and presented the rough cut to 3 streaming stations who loved the concept before we filmed it. They believed the film was just the beginning and would like us to film more footage to make it a 3 part documentary series. 

At the current budget of 600k, investors would receive their money back plus a 45% return on investment if we just sold the completed part 1. We need to raise 300k more to complete the project, as already stated above, part #1 is done and in the can. We would like to begin filming in September. The new 900lk budget cost averages the 3 part series to 300k each and increases the 45% return to our investors.

This is a 506 D C Exemption SEC filed Private Placement Limited Partnership. The investors receive their money back plus a 30% return on investment off the top. Once that is achieved, 50% goes to the producers and 50% goes to the limited partnership. The investors share in 70% of that 50%, pro rata, with 30% going to the general partner.

We are represented by Safier Entertainment who is one of the top agencies in Hollywood.

Here is the link to our multi international award winning documentary 'Still Suffering':
Here is the link to the log line and sizzle reel to part 1:

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